It's important to understand If osteochondrosis of the chest is detected, it is necessary to select a separate set of therapeutic exercises, study the technique of their implementation and exclude exercises with contraindications. With this diagnosis, it is important to attend therapy regularly, undergo a complete course of treatment in a specialized center, and later you need to keep yourself healthy in a preventive way.

The pathogenesis of osteochondrosis
possible complications
- Herniation or intervertebral hernia;
- spinal cord compression;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- Biliary dyskinesia;
- Intestinal, liver or pancreatic disease;
- heart disease.
Typical signs and symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis
What can be confused with thoracic osteochondrosis?
- Its performance is basically similar to that of angina pectoris. Increased heart pain when breathing in, shortness of breath, and inability to lift arms forced the patient to take heart medication. But there was no relief, and the electrocardiogram did not show any disturbance in heart function.
- Sometimes there is pain that resembles symptoms of peptic ulcer, gastritis, or pancreatitis. But they don't worsen after eating, as these conditions do, but after physical activity.
- Women may notice breast pain.
- Lesions in the upper chest can cause a lump in the throat and difficulty swallowing.
Causes of Osteochondrosis of the Chest
- Back injuries, bruises, or sprains;
- Regular weight lifting and strenuous physical activity;
- Axial inflorescence;
- Sitting in an incorrect posture for long periods of time, such as when working at a computer or driving a car.
What are the degrees of disease?
- Stage 1 osteochondrosis causes little to no pain. If it occurs, it occurs after physical activity.
- In the second stage, the pain becomes more severe. In fact, as the discs gradually break down and the vertebrae move closer to each other, this can cause nerve roots to become pinched. In this case, neurological symptoms and signs of internal organ dysfunction occur.
- Intervertebral hernia often occurs in the third stage of osteochondrosis. A ruptured disc can put pressure on blood vessels and nerves, causing severe pain and other health problems. The mobility of the spine is greatly limited in this area.
- The final stage of pathology is characterized by complete destruction of the intervertebral disc. Osteophytes appear on the vertebrae, and sometimes they become completely fused together. Every movement of the patient causes him pain, so this stage of the disease often leads to disability.
Why should you see a doctor right away?
prevent disease
How does treatment work?
- Spinal pain - MRI or CT (magnetic resonance or computed tomography) of the problem area;
- Joint pain – X-ray;
- Presence of concomitant diseases - medical history or outpatient card extract;
- Comfortable (athletic) clothes and shoes
Take classes with a coach
- How long have you had this problem (stage of disease)
- How your body prepares for physical activity (whether you do gymnastics or any sport).
- What result do you want.